Let’s come together to fight climate chaos and protect the Arctic. It begins with you.

Climate chaos is the biggest environmental threat humanity has ever faced. And nowhere on the planet is more endangered than the Arctic. Svalbard the tiny polar archipelago north of Norway is warming seven times faster than the rest of the earth, is earth’s clearest warning of dramatic, global change. Svalbard is a real-life harbinger; the canary in the coal mine of our warming planet.

  The Arctic Arts Project is working with individuals, communities, businesses, and policy makers to inspire, educate and promote action surrounding climate change. With your help we can reduce climate pollution, improve efficiency, promote renewable energy and achieve a 100% clean economy by 2050. There is hope but we must take action now. Get involved and make it personal.

MAX is always on. Florian LeDoux with AdobeMax

“Keep the learning and inspiration going by viewing the ADOBE MAX 2023 session featuring Arctic Arts Project Collaborator and Internationally Acclaimed Filmmaker and Photographer Florian LeDoux.”

“Check out the rest of the sessions from MAX”


Adobe Max Interview with Arctic Arts Collaborator Florian LeDoux.

Fighting climate change requires protecting 30% of our lands and waters by 2030 to preserve ecosystems and biodiversity and to sequester carbon we’ve released into the atmosphere.

The Temptation of Trees brings the science of forest ecosystems and their role in changing climate to light. Allowing our existing forests to grow will sequester far more carbon than planting new trees will.

Read more about the film

The Temptation of Trees

“Unprecedented” 532 gigatonnes ice loss documented, as Greenland Breaks Record. In 2019 The Arctic Arts Project recorded one of the most profound ramifications of Climate Change ever seen.

The Arctic Arts Project presented the findings from its May and August, Greenland expeditions to the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature). Here is a video of the presentation that provides a visual context of these record breaking changes. Additionally, we present science based thoughts and perspectives on these dramatic changes in Greenland and the world.

Read more about the expedition

Greenland Ground Zero- The IUCN report.

Climate Chaos: Winter Methane

Our film on Winter Methane makes the implicit, explicit.
Methane is invisible. Climate is invisible. Watch and see how we make them both visible and relevant to world at large. Understanding the science of methane is critical to navigating our path through climate chaos.
In a warming Arctic, methane is becoming a contributor to climate chaos. See the incredibly imagery, captured by the Arctic Arts team, of methane in the winter landscape of the North.

Our team keeps coming back to this observation by John Muir: “When we try to pick out anything by itself we find that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to everything in the universe.”

Read more about the project

Climate Chaos: Winter Methane

Climate Change Evidence

Evidence of Change Comes in Many Forms

The Arctic Arts team of visual communicators recently witnessed, first hand, the dramatic melt currently happening in West Greenland. With temperatures soaring to 40ºF/4.4ºC above average, the seasonal melt was more than 4 weeks ahead of schedule. Over 40% of Greenland experienced melting during one week in June, with total ice loss estimated to be more than 2 gigatons (equal to 2 billion tons) on just one day alone.

While Greenland is a rather large body of land comprised mostly of ice, it is highly unusual for that much ice to be lost in the middle of June. The average “melt season” for Greenland runs from June to August, with the bulk of the melting occurring in July. The Arctic Arts Team saw the dramatic changes unfolding in May, and by mid-June the melt had reached at unprecedented levels.

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Climate Change Facts

The Melt: We Are All Ice Dependent Species

The Arctic is warming twice as quickly as the global average (a phenomenon known as Arctic Amplification). In 2019 there was a calculated 350 gigaton of fresh water melt from the Greenland glaciers and ice cap.

Fresh Water
and Climate Chaos

Freshwater is deeply impacted by changes in climate. Weather is more extreme meaning some places receive far more rain and snow than normal, creating the conditions for flooding. Other places receive far less water, putting strain on water systems and the people and animals that depend on them. In the Arctic, this can mean areas that are normally wet in summer become dry, sometimes shifting to polar desert.

Tundra & Permafrost:
The Methane Quota 

When permafrost melts, there are impacts on drainage, ground water, river runoffs, and ecological systems. There can be a significant release of carbon and methane from the frozen soil.

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The Arctic Arts Project Presents a New Film by Florian LeDoux:  I AM VITAL

Water is necessary for the survival of all living things on the Earth’s surface.
Around our planet, it appears in many forms, liquid, gas or solid.
Almost 70% of the freshwater on our planet is held within glaciers and ice-sheets.

We take water for granted, even though it is something we all depend on.
Our future, amongst other challenges, depends on the capability of preserving the ice. We simply cannot live without the air, and many species cannot live without ice.

This short documentary was filmed over a three year span in Greenland, Antarctica, Nunavut, Svalbard, and Iceland.