International Women’s Day 2021 Every day, the Arctic Arts Project, through our actions, challenges the way we perceive our world. We seek to instill an understanding of climate change, racial inequities and gender-based discrimination, in the way we lead, talk, question, and act. We challenge norms, transform habits, change expectations, take action and inspire others …
Arctic Sea Ice Extent Anomaly Points to Extinction
Arctic Sea Ice Extent Anomaly Points to Extinction By: Kerry Koepping, Executive Director, Arctic Arts Project The process of extinction is self-evident in the dramatic arctic sea ice loss seen this year. Sea Ice extent records in the Arctic continued to fall in 2020 and they reflect a frightening 40-year pattern of total Arctic ice …
Fuel to the Fire
Fuel to the Fire By: Andrea Sparrow, Executive Producer, Arctic Arts Project Humans fear wildfire. Fast, crucible hot, often beyond our control, we’ve attributed devils and demons with the characteristics of fire, for millennia. And it is terrifying. Wildfires in the Western United States this year have broken record after record. The hottest. The biggest. …
The Big Experiment
By: Bruce Vaughn- Fellow at University of Colorado/ Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research Often these days we hear that we live in interesting times. Indeed we do, but this is also a truly critical time. Never before has it been more obvious that our current actions will most certainly determine our fate in the …
It’s Time
Humans crave novelty. We love to experience new things. It sparks the pleasure centers of our brains and brings a flood of positive feelings, on the wave of chemicals released into our bloodstreams. But change is something different. Here, we can be reluctant. We like our lives the way they are. The comfort and convenience …